7.30 Report: Dementia Lockdown Anger

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We explain how poor Environmental Design for dementia attributes

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Recently the ABC 7.30 reported on Aged Care problems due COVID:


Another 7.30 Report on Dementia quarantines, reduced staff and elderly confined to their rooms for weeks without family visitations and bus trips out, noted how residents were yelling and trying to escape from their rooms.


Did you know that depression quickens Dementia? WICKING’s and the government’s top Dementia Design expert Professor Richard Flemming’s reports and checklists, advise that comfort care is best: reminiscence, art and music therapy intertwined with an environmental design specific to Dementia visuospatial perception. Attaining recommended standards has been a slow rollout dependent on government and fundraising. Worse yet, Australian aged care developers blend non-Dementia residents with the 52% diagnosed with Dementia into hospital-styled hotels aimed at the well-to-do.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”https://www.old.tailoredartworks.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Wicking-advice-re-door-disguise-for-dementia.jpg” alt=”Wicking-advice-re-door-disguise-for-dementia” title_text=”Wicking-advice-re-door-disguise-for-dementia” _builder_version=”4.20.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.20.2″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Regardless of COVID Lockdowns, design problems cause stress for facility managers, staff and families. Because residents cannot find their room due to poor wayfinding signage and will anger at keypad locked exits doors designed to keep them in.

Managers, Leisure and Lifestyle staff struggle to find door disguise solutions by:
A)  Painting the door the same colour
B)  Putting stickers on it
C)  Hanging a curtain or blind over it

Unfortunately in most cases, these techniques waste time, money and resources. Tailored Artworks partnership with True Doors(R) curates Resident Room Door wraps the same or similar to a resident’s home door.  Similarly, facilities can reduce lockdown stress with our proven and custom-made Exit Door Diversions. Designing diversions encourages residents not to stand and bang on a door, yelling, but happily reminisce a scene through a perceived window or balcony and then move on unaware that they were looking at an exit door. Furthermore, it is important to theme Memory Support Units help to create a homey feel that relates to them. This is never hospital-like design. Our Art and reminiscence ideas include:

1) Room door wraps for wayfinding
2) Architecturally designed exit door diversions
3) Nurses’ station window murals
4) Outdoor murals replacing bus trip views
5) Ceiling murals soothing bed-bound residents
6) POA- framed panoramic art wraps to calm the clutter in long hallways

So, what is Dementia Design to you? If you have a loved one in a facility, why not sponsor a few Room Door Wraps or a Door Disguise as a goodwill community offer? Then, see happy faces for many, many years! Our elderly deserve it and one day, so will we.

See our Dementia-Friendly Inspo Book for ideas

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