Aurora Tower Foyer Artworks: Art Deco Style

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Aurora Tower Foyer Artworks: Case Study.  It isn’t straightforward in a multi-residential building to get everyone to agree on anything! Consequently, the idea of 69 floors of apartment owners and hotel visitors all loving a corporate artwork installation sounds optimistic! Add to that, re-designing a corporate decor so that people don’t loiter and create a mess! Discover how Corporate Art and Corporate Decor came together with Aurora Tower’s cosmetic renovation.

>> The brief: The residents and staff of Aurora Tower did not like the old reception area artworks finding them a depressing portrait of Brisbane.  As a result, Interior Designer Tracie Dunne and fellow Colour Psychologist, Tailored Artworks Artist and Decorator Sharron Tancred were commissioned to lift the mood with an expression of skyscraper living. 

Tracie knew management did not want the area used as a meeting space due to the mess that people create. She felt that a formal, clean and positive light-filled space would be an improvement. 

>> Our strategy: At their design session mind-mapping bought out that everyone loves clouds, dew, sunsets and light. Indeed this was the universal theme that answered the buildings’ needs. Art should express the soul of the building as well as unite its corporate decor. The dizzying heights and Auroras’ Art Deco building design were translated into 2 collages of lightly be-jewelled clouds floating over a city skyline.  

Sharron showed Tracie how this theme could be interpreted into artworks to unify the existing foyer’s architecture to save costs and, how metallic and iridescent effects could reflect light and imbue positive mood with glamour. In the same vein, crystals added pattern and twinkle reflective of Art Deco styling and the natural theme.

While painting the diptych, Sharron started with square brush marks cleverly vignetted from pewter up to silver and into striations of white stripes representing wind. No easy task!

The Colour Psychology of these artworks created a feeling of calm and wistfulness.  In contrast, the colour and drama of Art Deco striped and zig-zag patterns representative of buildings and clouds kept the 4 square meters of canvas exciting. Tracie picked up on Sharron’s art with metallic accessories and fabric selections in con-cave custom-designed furniture to make long chats difficult.

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>> The results: An unveiling party was organised for residents who came and applauded the new artworks and furniture.

>> Testimonials:  “Hi, Sharron, On behalf of The Aurora Tower Refurbishment Committee, The Body Corporate Committee and Owners, we would like to thank you for the beautiful artwork you have created for our Foyer. The owners and visitors absolutely love it, and we are continually getting compliments on how beautiful it is. It brightens and enhances our Foyer and is definitely the focal point of this area. We love how you colour matched everything to create a truly integrated artwork and the theme you created for it was inspired.  Again thank you very much, you are certainly a very talented artist.
Tracie Rodwell Dunne, Rodwell Dunne Interior Design Group

 “On behalf of the Body Corporate Committee, I would like to thank you for the custom artwork you personally designed and created as part of our foyer update. Your time, creativity and energy spent in formulating the perfect centrepiece were very much appreciated. The process from concept presentation to hanging the artwork was faultless. The artwork was delivered on time and to budget with effective communication checkpoints along the way. 

 Aurora Australis is an integral piece in the overall foyer update and was designed to match furniture colours, lighting and style. Again thank you, every time a visitor or resident enters the building, the artwork does its magic.”
Treasurer Aurora Tower Body Corporate Committee Jan Brewer | The Aurora Tower, 420 Queen St, Brisbane

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